
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Book Launch Party Photos

The pirate chest. Everyone got a coin.
Seems like we forgot to take a camera, but a couple pics were snapped on Ruth's smartphone, although there are none of me actually signing books.

The lighting was bad (due to back light), but these are what we have. We had so many last time and only three photos this time. Next time I will be sure to assign a photographer.

In the photo on the right I am performing two songs for those in attendance. I wrote both Zombies, Zombies and Down on da Bayou for VOODOO VIRUS. I haven't written any songs for MARSH MONSTER.>

Any ideas? lol

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Book Launch Party and PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM Report


The book launch was fun and many of you missed it. The crowd was small but I am thankful to those of you who came out. It means so much to have your support.

I sold a few of the new books (MARSH MONSTER) and one of the old (VOODOO VIRUS). I sang a couple zombie songs, which everyone seemed to enjoy. And there was lots of excellent conversation.

I think that pictures were taken and I hope to have those posted soon.


I wrote, today, after all and managed a thousand words. I (Peter, et. al) have exposed the phantom. I'll be wrapping things up in the final three chapters next week. So, I should have July for revisions and copy editing. I won't be revealing any more details of the plot, but there will be plenty to share.

Stay tuned.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM Makes a Visual Appearance

Oh. My. Word! 

I just wrote the creepiest, most suspense-filled scene of the book! You are going to LOVE this! It is soooo cool! I would love to read this myself.

Yes, I have been hard at work on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM, crafting nearly 3,000 words today! That leaves around 7,000 words to go on this draft. I am, however, taking the weekend off for my Book Launch Party for MARSH MONSTER at Latte Da  Coffee House (2-4 p.m. Sat.) and family time on Sunday.

Next week, I could very well finish!!! Meanwhile, come out and see me at the launch.


It's tomorrow! Saturday, June 29th is the official release date for MARSH MONSTER and we're partying down at Latte Da Coffee House and Wine Bar from 2 to 4 p.m. So come on by!

Drop in anytime to beat the heat or stay for the whole enchilada in the comfort of the homey AC environment while enjoying a glass of iced coffee or fruit smoothie. Latte Da serves Cafe de Arte coffee (which is my favorite roast).

Hungry? Grab a fresh-made sandwich or try their homemade quiche.

I'll be selling and signing books (both MARSH MONSTER and VOODOO VIRUS), singing songs and doing some readings. (Plus, you can get both books for just $15.)

And everyone gets a FREE commemorative pirate coin!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Not quite what it appears to be.
Wrote another 1,500 words today. I am now past the 65% mark with more than 20,000 words on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM.

It's confrontation time! A new tension mounts as the Bayou Boys set up to prove whodunit. Stay tuned folks.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

ZOMBIE INVASION Makeup Demo and Reading at FVRL

I'll be appearing at the Battle Ground Community Library, 1207 SE 8th Way Battle Ground, Wash, Tuesday, July 23 from 4 to 6 p.m. I will have my books available for purchase.

In addition to my reading from VOODOO VIRUS and giving a zombie makeup demo there will be arts and crafts, books and readings, games and play. MARSH MONSTER will also be available and I'll be signing and selling both books.

"Teens, come dressed as the dead or prepared to be zombified by professional make-up artist and zombie book author Greg Zschomler!"

Join me for games, snacks, and cool door prizes! Remember this is a BYOB event - "Bring Your Own Brains!" Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not required.

Contact the Battle Ground Community Library at 360-687-2322 for more information.


More than 1,500 words today on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM. The first major climax has passed and number two awaits in the wings (pun intended).

It's "Showtime!" (Which is the name of the current chapter in which I write.)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I just finished writing another 2,500 words on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM, putting the manuscript at nearly 17,000 words! That leaves about 13,000 to go--or about two weeks of writing, give or take a day or two.

Bart and Pete may have just escaped the frying pan, but are they falling into the fire? We'll find out soon. The release date is scheduled for October 31st. Can you wait for this Halloween treat?

Monday, June 24, 2013


I wrote nearly 2,000 words today on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM which puts the story past the halfway mark. Things just got dangerous. I am just about to write the big climax. It looks like this one might be the longest one yet; creeping over the 30,000 word mark.

The photo at the left gives a hint at what just happened.

MARSH MONSTER is starting to move now with a few units sold. You can reserve your signed copy now, order on Amazon or (hopefully) pick one up at the Book Launch.

Hope to see you there.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

SAVE THIS DATE: Sunday Streets Alive

It looks like I'll have a sales table at the Sundays Streets Alive event in Vancouver this August. Both of my current books, VOODOO VIRUS and MARSH MONSTER will be available for purchase at the bike, walk, street festival event.

It looks like I'll likely be sharing space with other authors and we may have a kid-friendly activity to offer. The plans are in the works. I'll announce the actual location and details as the event draws nigh.

Meanwhile save this date/time: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., August 18.

Hope to see you there.

And don't forget my Book Launch Party at Latte Da Coffee House, 2-4 p.m., June 29.

Friday, June 21, 2013

MAN of STEEL is Food for Thought

There is much discussion about the merits of the new movie "Man of Steel." There have always been comparisons made between Superman and Jesus Christ. Having seen the film (and loving it with some critiques I won't go into) I can recommend it for some great thoughts and lessons.

There ARE Christ parallels, but I also see humanity. The major questions are "who am I" and "why am I here?" See what I mean in this clip:

Also here's  a link to an interesting story and video by CNN about how churches can and are using this movie and pop culture icon to reach people with the Gospel:

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Another 1,800 words today on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM. Many discoveries and surprises.

I'm taking a break for the weekend, but I'll be back at in on Monday, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pulmonary Pounding Plot Proceeds on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM

Another 1,500 words for a total of 3,500 today on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM! More ghostly encounters. More intensity. More mystery. Ooo, ahh!


Yes, it's true I just hit 10,000 words on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM at 4 p.m. today and I'm still writing like a machine.

Oh, man! The creep factor is rising. The photo is a hint at what I wrote about today. And very accurate. Add a little fog spilling out, some blood and...

Well, I'd better not give too much away. The boys are spending the night in the house now, and I'd better get back to that. Stay posted.


I'm giving away signed copies of MARSH MONSTER to ten people. YOU can be one of them! Here's how:

      1) Your last name can't be Zschomler (sorry family)
      2) You have to agree to read it right away
      3) You must agree to post a review*

     "This book was more exciting/tension filled than the first.
      Great job." ~ Suzi Goedert

Just send me your name, email address and shipping address. Write me a line about why you should be the one.

*on either Amazon or Goodreads or both (and your own Facebook or Twitter page would be nice, too).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sigh: The Answer From WORDSTOCK

Dear Gregory E. Zschomler,

Thank you for your thoughtful submission to this year’s Wordstock festival. We appreciated the chance to read Marsh Monster and hope you’re finding many fruitful ways to engage with the book’s readership. We have decided against including this title in our offerings for the 2013 festival. Your time and efforts, however, have not gone unnoticed and we sincerely hope you’ll consider submitting to us in future.


The Wordstock Author Coordinators


Well into Chapter 7 on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM now. Wrote 2,400 words today!

The first big spooky thing just happened and it's kinda gross, so I can't post a picture (you wouldn't want to see it, believe me). [This is the closets I could come.]

At any rate, I'll be 10,000 word in--or one third of the way done with the first draft--tomorrow!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Worked on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM today and I am now at 6,200 words and on Ch. 6.

The draft should be one third complete by the week's end. Then I'm taking the weekend off, but I'll be back at it after that. (You like the logo?)

This, That and the Other Thing

PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM work continues this week. And it looks like the deadline and release date are being moved up to accommodate for a Halloween launch!

MARSH MONSTER is available and the Book Launch Party is less than two weeks away. Details can be found in a previous post and will be reposted soon.

THE AMISH vs. THE ZOMBIES is still out there being pitched to four publishers and is hoping to be picked up. I should hear back form them by summer's end.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Brock Eastman Book on Kindle for Under a Dollar

Holy Moley!

My friend Brock Eastman's teen sci-fi book TAKEN is now only $.99 on Kindle! Ninety-nine cents. What a deal. You will love it, but...

WARNING: You will get addicted and it's the first in a series of five books.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Well into chapter four of PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM now and some of five done. That's almost twenty percent through! Another 1,500 words today. Awesomeness!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM Makes Its First Appearance

I put in another 1,500 words today of PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM. The ghost made its first appearance in chapter three. In chapter four the Bayou Boys propose an overnight stay in the house.

Cue the eerie music.

What will happen next?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Another 1,500 words on PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM today. The tension is mounting! I'm just a crazy writing machine.

Monday, June 10, 2013


I wrote my first thousand words this month in PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM today. That puts the manuscript at over 2,000 words. A good start.

I hope to have the first draft done by the end of July. Piece of pie. Cake. No pie, that rhymes with July.

THE AMISH VS. THE ZOMBIES Sent to Five Publishers

I submitted the manuscript for THE AMISH VS. THE ZOMBIES and/or a query to five publishers today.

I should hear back from them all within six weeks.

Meanwhile your prayers are appreciated.

The MARSH MONSTER is Here; DARE to Read It

The books have arrived! MARSH MONSTER is now available for shipping AND purchase on Amazon in either paperback or instant e-book download for Kindle.

When their fathers mysteriously disappear while searching for a missing tour guide, Bayou Boys Peter and Bart (along with Pete’s girlfriend Carla) head into the marshes of Honey Island Swamp. 

There they have a dangerous run-in with modern-day pirates and the infamous Honey Island Swamp Monster.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


From an advance reader:

"This book was more exciting/tension filled than the first. Great job. Don't forget I want 3, one for me and 2 for school." ~ Suzi Goedert

The books will be here Friday!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Why I Write: My Writing Philosophy

Available as PDF or printout.
My books are good for both Christian teens and those not yet Christ-followers. They teach Christian values and life-style without being preachy.

The main characters in my Bayou Boys Adventure books are practicing Christians; they live their everyday lives as Christ-follows. That is they read their Bibles, pray, go to church and Sunday school and endeavor to live good lives in word and deed.

The main characters are normal boys and girls and have no super powers. They are not vampires, witches, demons, angels, or some other kind of beings. They have only the tools that you or I have available at their disposal for fighting evil and enduring hardship. They learn from their experiences and they learn (with the reader) about their world.

Though they deal with “paranormal” issues—ghosts, zombies, monsters—all of these are explained scientifically and shown to be the deceptive work of mortals. These are the types of mysteries that he characters solve.

The books also teach about the value and preservation of the bayous, the Cajun culture and language, the Louisianan geography and history, and do so through adventure, fun and humor.

I believe that young teens need books that show they are empowered by the Spirit of God and their God-given human abilities, and not by magic, super powers or abilities.