
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MARSH MONSTER Now Available on Kindle and... VOODOO VIRUS is only $.99

The Kindle version of MARSH MONSTER (Bayou Boys Adventures book 2)is now available for $3.99 and it will be available as a paperback tomorrow May 30th, 2013 for $8.99.

Here is the preview link:

The Kindle version of VOODOO VIRUS (Bayou Boys Adventures book 1) is now just $.99! (For a limited time.) Paperback is still $7.99.

Don't forget to leave a review and rating. Thanks.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I began the first draft of PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM today (book three in The Bayou Boys Adventure series). This is how I opened (though it will likely change):

            The Phantom sat on the set’s throne within the bowels of the opera house and wrapped his cloak around himself while the company roared threats in the wings. A venomous fog rolled from the stage lip as eerie blue-green light bathed the stage. I burst through the door of the chamber. Behind me the other members of the cast followed. Mary Murray, playing Christine, stood mesmerized, staring into the full-length mirror.
            “Christine!” I said, stopping at my mark holding a sword before me. Mary turned from the glass—a single pin spot shown upon her face from the batten above her.
            “Raoul!” said Mary.
            “Is he…?”
            “He’s gone,” she said, pointing to the throne. I looked and the cloak hung limp on the seat—the illusion of the phantom’s disappearance complete.
            “The Opera Ghost?” asked Steve. Playing Erik, from the crowd.
            “Gone,” she said again softly, “vanished into the bowels of the earth.”
            “You loved him?” I said.
            “I pitied him,” Mary replied, looking into my eyes. I stepped toward her and she stepped toward me, raising her arms. I sheathed my sword and we fell into am embrace and my head bent toward her face. “I love you, Raoul.”
           “I love you, Christine. The phantom…he will not harm you now. I will protect you forever in my arms.” I continued in toward what should be a kiss as the lights faded to black and the house curtain dropped. I could hear the thunderous applause behind the drape as we ran form the stage to prepare for our bows.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


I received my printed proof of MARSH MONSTER today and have gone through it for errors. I am making changes now and will upload the new file tomorrow.

After that I'll have copies of the book in about three weeks and it will also be available on Amazon (both as paperback for $8.99 and as an e-book for $4.99).

At that time the e-book of VOODOO VIRUS will also be made available for the low, low price of $.99 and you can get the signed paperback NOW, directly from me, for just $5.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The AMISH vs. The ZOMBIES: Cover Photo Idea

What do you think?

Possible cover idea for THE AMISH VS. THE ZOMBIES. 

Can you see it?

STEAL of a DEAL: Voodoo Virus for Only Five Bucks

I have a couple dozen copies of VOODOO VIRUS I am willing to let go at $5 each in celebration of book two's* imminent release. 

Retail value is $7.99, so this is nearly a $3 savings. You won't get this limited time deal on Amazon.

If you haven't read it, now would be a good time to pick it up. Make's a great gift, too. 

This sales is only good until June 1 or while supplies last.

To order email me at:


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Recommended Reading: TRUE STORIES WE MADE UP

The memoirs of three small town American boys. Two being related (cousins) bring their childhood memories and mirthful humor to the pages of TRUE STORIES WE MADE UP.

The tales deftly tell of their exploits growing up in  the Pacific Northwest and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. They are superheroes, sinners and sandlot champs in this amusing collection of stories that will tickle your funny bone and remind you of what it was like to be a boy growing up in the 80s.

A fun, adventurous read that could bring a tear to your eyes and cause you to chuckle (if not snort what your drinking out your nose).

I'm looking forward to the next decade's adventures in Volume II (it is coming, I hope).

Proof Copy of MARSH MONSTER on it's Way

Here's the final cover with the barcode.
The proof copy of MARSH MONSTER will be on it's way shortly and arrive by May 31st. A few days after that (after any needed changes are made and it is approved for distribution) it will be made available online (in paperback and as an e-book).

I will have copies available by June 24. The official Launch Party is June 29th (watch for details coming soon).

Monday, May 20, 2013

MARSH MONSTER Going to Press

MARSH MONSTER has been accepted, proofed and and is ready to print. I wish you could see the 3D view on my account page, but it is only visible to me. It's so satisfying to see the virtual book revolve through the cover, spine and back. It will be going to press soon.

Also, the galley and cover art have been sent to WORDSTOCK. The book fair takes place in October, but submissions for acceptance must be sent before June 1. Please pray I am accepted as a presenter.

Friday, May 17, 2013


All it needs is a blurb.

Who wants to read it and have their name on the cover?

I'm willing to wait one week (as hard as that is) for a reader or two.

It's about a two hour read.

MARSH MONSTER Typeset and Ready for the Printer

The interior of MARSH MONSTER is typeset and ready to go to the printer! I'm also sending a copy out to Wordstock tomorrow. If accepted I will be able to present at the event in October!

Next week I will finish the cover art and everything will be uploaded. A proof copy will follow shortly thereafter. I'm so excited! Are you?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Now taking Pre-Orders for MARSH MONSTER. Signed copies will be available in late June. 

Ordering now helps with my order numbers, assures you a copy and will aid in promotional expenses. 

And, if you haven't ordered VOODOO VIRUS and wish the pair I'll give you both for $14.00 (a $14.98 value)! Shipping and handling costs may apply.

Please consider placing an order directly with me. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Obama Adm. Attacks Freedom of the Press with Wiretapping, More

I know this gif is annoying,
but so is the issue.

Yet another attack on the Constitutional right of expression. Some say it smacks of Watergate, comparing Obama to Nixon. It appears the administration is pressuring and monitoring certain AP journalists in an effort to suppress information and the public's "right to know."

From Huffington Post:

"The Obama administration woke up on Tuesday to another morning of scorching criticism about the Justice Department's decision to secretly obtain months of Associated Press phone records.

"The DOJ tracked the incoming and outgoing calls on more than 20 AP phone lines, as well as the home, office and cell phone lines for six individual journalists involved in writing a national security-related story about Yemen that the Obama administration did not want them to write..."
Read the entire Huffington Post article (and watch their video) here.

For the record: I stand against the suppression of information and support the public's "right to know."

Monday, May 13, 2013

"The Book Formerly Known As..."

The artist formerly known as Prince.

I always got a kick out of that. Wasn't he always Prince? I don't know what the deal was, but he's back to being known by his original moniker and as scary as ever.

Anyway, after much contemplation and competition, the book formerly know as ANTEBELLUM APPARITION has a new title. 

I wish to thank especially David Roberts and Dennis Sparks for their many wonderful ideas. Though I chose none of their suggestions (or anyone else's for that matter), together they did inspire me towards a title.

Even though neither of them "won" the contest I am still awarding them with a signed copy of the finished book for the time it took to brainstorm and the inspiration they gave me. Each of these fantastic gentlemen contributed nuggets that led to the final title which is....

You're dying to know, huh? Well, it's really nothing all that profound. You see "Antebellum Apparition" was way too complex and ambiguous. It's suppose to be a Middle School reader, for crying out loud!

And the title had to, as clearly as possible, tell what the book was about. In two words, beginning with the same letter (I wanted the same sound, too, but that just didn't work out). As a ghost story of sorts, and taking place primarily in a theater space inside an old mansion, I decided upon:


The story is well outlined within my skull and I will begin transferring it to computer sometime in June. It will be completed by October and released on Thanksgiving Day 2013.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MARSH MONSTER Interior Has Been Typeset and Formatted

The book's cover, showing the finished front, the spine's
location (in white) and the back (without text).

Exciting news folks! 

The manuscript for MARSH MONSTER has been copy edited, formatted and typeset. The book will be 168 pages--nearly 25% longer than VOODOO VIRUS!

I will finish the cover design/layout this week. When I finish the read-through with my boys this week it will be sent to the printer.

I'm still looking for advance readers who will supply blurbs for the back. Any takers?

The BOOK LAUNCH PARTY is in the works for Saturday, June 29 (just looking for a location TBA) so mark you calendars.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Taking the Weekend Off for the Sun

Even writer's need a break once and a while.

With summer weather on the scene more rain around the corner (for next week), and being ahead of the game, I'm going to relax and come back to the MARSH MONSTER manuscript fresh on Monday for the copy editing.

In the meantime I may be doing some work to sell The AMISH vs. The ZOMBIES to a publisher or agent. Wish me well. Prayers appreciated.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

MARSH MONSTER Receives Finishing Touches

Honey Island Swamp Tour Boat
Today I did another pass through the MARSH MONSTER manuscript in which I did line editing and the adding of what I call "smells and bells." That means I added in descriptive scents and sounds. I am a visual person and, therefore, often don't think about these things.

I am in the process (up to chapter six) of reading it aloud to my two youngest boys. So far, positive feedback. As I read it out loud I am further editing for the sound of the words and catching repetitions.

When I finish the reading I will do a final copy edit and write the glossary before formatting into book form. Meanwhile, I will also work on finishing the cover.

Mother's Day Release of My Pastor's Book

Ruth Graham (Billy Graham's daughter) will be the guest speaker at Living Hope Church (Vancouver, Wash.) and...

Pastor John Bishop's new book GOD DISTORTED gets released this Mother's Day weekend!

And, yes, he will be signing. And, yes, he will have writer's cramp before the weekend is over.

Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday 9:00am, 11:00am and 1:00pm

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MARSH MONSTER Writing Wraps Up

Final revision done. Loose ends tied up.

One final line edit up next. 29,000 words.

Any pre-readers out there?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Working MARSH MONSTER Through the Polishing Stage

Today I finished going through Ruth's edits of MARSH MONSTER and added to a short chapter and dived several. Now I'll be going back through it again adding in some bits and filling in the holes or loose ends (I know I have one).

By the end of the week I'll have it done for a line edit and will be adding the glossary. So at the end of next week I will have a completed manuscript! Anyone want to be a first reader? I can send out an electronic version if you wish. No charge EXCEPT you must give me feedback.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Clarification: MARSH MONSTER Will Be Available Friday June 28th BUT...

Though MARSH MONSTER will be available at Amazon and in my hands for sale, it may not be readily available in stores by then, You may need to ask for it. (If you buy it online, be sure to go back and give it a reviewing and rating.)

I will be selling the book at the Official BOOK LAUNCH PARTY on Saturday, June 29th. Time and place TBA, so keep your eyes peeled here.

Also worthy of note is that the book will be available as a e-book for $3.99 (a savings of $5 over the hard copy) and the e-book VOODOO VIRUS will be deeply discounted  to just .99 on that date for a limited time.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Write What You Know?

A photo of Honey Island Swamp taken by the author.
“Write what you know.” 

You’ve likely heard the admonition. But writers must also write from what they imagine and from what they learn. Writing fiction is about creating something that is not yet known from those things that are.

I wrote my first Bayou Boys Adventure book, VOODOO VIRUS, completely on secondary research (maps, satellite images, Internet and Chamber of Commerce information). I had never been in a bayou, much less to the state of Louisiana. For the second book in the series, Marsh Monster, I wanted to experience as much of what I would share with my readers as possible. So…

I took a recon and fact-gathering trip to southern Louisiana. I toured the haunts of the famed Honey Island Swamp Monster and took a Haunted History tour of the French Quarter. I wandered through the streets of the Big Easy and the Garden District. And I slipped down to Cajun country, past Plantation mansions, into the sleepy town of Houma (where the characters in my book live).

I found out I’d made a couple “mistakes” in book one. Nothing big, but a couple of the details about Houma especially were pure fiction. My new book, MARSH MONSTER (due to be released June 28, 2013), and its “sequel,” because of primary research will be more accurate and detailed. The dialogue, sights, sounds and smells will better come to life and faux pas should be non-existent.

Still, I did make this up.


The release date for MARSH MONSTER has been moved up to June 28, 2013--one month earlier than anticipated! Watch for information about the Official Launch Party coming soon! And be sure to keep an eye peeled for the book trailer video (also coming soon).