
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Recommended Reading: TRUE STORIES WE MADE UP

The memoirs of three small town American boys. Two being related (cousins) bring their childhood memories and mirthful humor to the pages of TRUE STORIES WE MADE UP.

The tales deftly tell of their exploits growing up in  the Pacific Northwest and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. They are superheroes, sinners and sandlot champs in this amusing collection of stories that will tickle your funny bone and remind you of what it was like to be a boy growing up in the 80s.

A fun, adventurous read that could bring a tear to your eyes and cause you to chuckle (if not snort what your drinking out your nose).

I'm looking forward to the next decade's adventures in Volume II (it is coming, I hope).


  1. Just so you know, Volume II is coming. We are hoping to get it out in early 2014. I'm glad you enjoyed the book!

  2. Cool! When do you want to do the guest blog post?
