
Friday, October 31, 2014

An Interview with Author G. S. (Scott) Coltman

G. S. Coltman, author
G.S. (Scott) Coltman is one of three authors joining me in the Local Indie Author Book Booth at the Early Bird Holiday Bazaar in the Astoria Armory on November 15. I just met him a couple of weeks ago, but I was immediately taken by him and his new book, 'Max's Great Sea Adventure.' I asked him to join me at the bazaar, and I also asked that he tell us a bit more about his work. 

Here's what we had to talk about:

Q: Hi Scott, thanks for answering a few questions for us. Tell me, what prompted you to write?

A: I moved to Seaside after being diagnosed with cancer in March 2013. A slower life. less stress, and clean beach air appealed to me and fired up my creative juices. I had written some short stories and poetry previously, but never published. Why not now!

Q: Your book, what's it about? Give us your elevator pitch.

A: Max, a young Sandpiper, gets the attention of the bullies in his flock. From taking their unwise dare, he finds himself violently washed out to sea where he meets a new group of friends, led by Pete the Puffin on Sea Bird Rock. Overcoming his fears through the encouragement of his new friends and remembering the mantras of his father to be self confident, Max grows both literally and figuratively.

Q: Cool. Sounds like a great message.What was your inspiration?

A: My own children and the memories of when I taught elementary age children to read and the joy of self discovery as they used there imagination to 'enhance' the story.

Q: Who did your illustrations?

A: Hilbert Bermejo; he was selected by my publisher.

Q: So, who should read your book?

A: Everybody!

Q: Of course (lol). What is/was your writing process?

A: Start with a single screen shot, and build. Mine started while I was walking on the beach and observing nature. I picked up some shells, saw the flock of sandpipers, and saw a sneaker wave wash in and catch the flock on the beach.

Q: Are you working on other books" What might they be?

A: Currently I'm working on 'Princess Viola and the Amazing Journey'. It's a story for young girls to read and absorb themselves into.

Q: Okay, Scott, where can people buy 'Max's Great Sea Adventure'?

A: From me! Just give me a call at 503-960-1040, or pick it up in Seaside at Beach Books, in Gearhart at Romancing the Home, or online at Amazon or Barnes/Noble.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

SAMSON is in the House and He's Bringing it Down

After months and months of work (in fact more than a year now)the children's picture book "I'M SAMSON," SAID SYDNEY (by Gregory E. Zschomler and illustrated by April M. Bullard) is finally "in the can" and, in a matter of two weeks, will be available for purchase.

The official launch date is November 15, 2014 (click link for time and place). The retail price is $14.99.

A goodly supply will be on hand (through me or April) for holiday gift giving from November 15 through December 12. Any order made before December 12 will be filled in time for Christmas. [Note: This book would also make a great gift for Hanukkah.]

You can pre-order signed(by both the author and illustrator) copies today and you can be of the first to read the book (as those orders will be shipped Dec. 16). Or you can order unsigned copies from Amazon. The book will also be available through your favorite bookstore (but will likely need ordered in). Some local bookstores on the Pacific North Coast and in the Portland/Vancouver area may have them in stock.

Here's what people are saying:

“My kids delighted in this retelling of Samson's story. The simple retelling was creative and easy to understand. A fun, modern parable for kids.” ~ Brock D. Eastman, author of The Quest for Truth series; Adventures in Odyssey team at Focus on the Family, and father of three.

“This book will be a favorite for early readers. The illustrations are detailed and it’s fun to point out the tiny details of everyone's childhood memories. The biblical message is simply put as seen through the eyes of the mighty Sydney. The follow-up for the Biblical verses gives an opportunity to follow up alone or with your child to learn more.” ~ a grandmother of three

“A good way to get kids interested in Bible stories…and get them asking questions... I think the premise of the book is a realistic scenario. Kids often make believe stories they've heard and sometimes blur the lines between their present reality and past reality/biblical stories.” ~mother of two boys

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My NaNoWriMo Plan

I will draft the fourth Bayou Boys Adventure, titled ALIEN AMBUSH.

I'm planning to write every day except Sundays and a three day Thanksgiving holiday off . I will write 1,600 words a day.

Thus, Nov.1: 1,600 words; Nov. 3: 3,200 words; Nov. 4: 4,800; 5:6,400; 6: 8,000... etc. By

November 30: 36,000 words total*.

The longest BBA (Playhouse Phantom) to date is 30,000 (also drafted in a month). The Amish vs. The Zombies is 40,000 (a month to draft).

*the finished product could be longer or shorter, depending upon editing, redraft and the needs of the story.

I could use some prayer for perseverance, discipline, and sanity.

Monday, October 27, 2014

ORYCON 36 brings Sci-Fi/Fantasy Convention to PDX

If you like Sci-Fiction and/or Fantasy  this is probably just the thing for you. Several local, indie authors will have their work available at the NIWA booth. The featured author-speaker this year is the writer of Logan's Run. There is cosplay, sci-fi and fantasy collectibles and other stuff to buy (including books), art, gaming, speakers and so much more. If the Sci-Fi/Fantasy world is your thing you might want to check it out. Just sayin'. For more info click here.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

BOOK LAUNCH: New Children’s Picture Book Relates Bible Hero Story about Samson

Cannon Beach, Ore. author Gregory Zschomler (formerly of Ridgefield, Wash.) and Vancouver, Wash. illustrator April Bullard are excited to debut their new children’s picture book “I’m Samson,” said Sydney.

The book, for children six and under, is the telling of a young boy who imagines, by role playing, that he’s the Bible hero Samson. It is the creators’ hope that the volume will be the first in a series about Sydney’s playful imaginations of Bible characters.

The official launch will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., November 15 at the Early Bird Holiday Bazaar in the Astoria Armory, on 17th St. in Astoria, Ore. Both the author and illustrator will be on hand to do personalized signings.

In addition authors G.S. Coltman and Andy R. Bunch will be on hand with their new books. Coltman, from Seaside, will be selling/signing Max's Great Sea Adventure and Bunch, from Vancouver, his newest book Diner Tales.

Samson will also be available in independent bookstores in the Vancouver/Portland metro area and north Oregon coast communities the following week.

Their book is designed to introduce children to the Bible story in a way they can relate to, through whimsical verse and bright, clever pictures. The edition will make a lasting and loving Christmas gift.

Bullard is the author and illustrator of the book The Sock Thief and Zschomler is the author of the Bayou Boys Adventure series for middle readers. All their books will be available at the event.

Here's what folks are saying:

"My kids delighted in this retelling of Samson's story. The simple retelling was creative and easy to understand. A fun modern parable for kids." ~ Brock D. Eastman, author of The Quest for Truth series; he works with the Adventures in Odyssey brand at Focus on the Family and is the father of three.

“This book will be a favorite book for early readers. The illustrations are detailed and it’s fun to point out the tiny details of everyone's childhood memories. The biblical message is simply put as seen through the eyes of the mighty Sydney. The follow-up for the Biblical verses gives an opportunity to follow up alone or with your child to learn more.” ~ Suzi (a grandmother of three)

“A good way to get kids interested in Bible stories…and get them asking questions... I think the premise of the book is a realistic scenario. Kids often make believe stories they've heard and sometimes blur the lines between their present reality and past reality/biblical stories.” ~ Bethany (mother of two boys)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I was Surprised and Joyed to Find THIS REVIEW Today

Full disclosure, I've become a Zschomler fan since I read his middle grade book Voodoo Virus. I backed the crowd funding campaign for this book knowing that it would be a true horror story. It's being marketed as a Y/A and I'll get back to that in a moment, I just wanted to start this by saying I'm a fan of the author and read, essentially an ARC copy of the book. I don't believe it'll bias my review, but decide for yourself.

When I see a title like "The Amish vs The Zombies" I think the author has something up his sleeve. Like he's surely got a treatment of the idea that lessons the impact, or its a spoof or something. Not in this case. Zschomler played it straight which is why I titled this review the way I did. If you see that title and think, "I'd probably like that book," then you definitely would. This is really well written. I read/ watch horror on rare occasions. I'm picky about it. The author really took the premise seriously.

If a Zombie outbreak occurred in a predominately Amish area, how would it come about, play out, and resolve? That's what he gives you in all it's frightening detail. It's really well written! The characters feel real and authentic, they are true to their beliefs, they have pretty normal responses to the horror that's thrust upon them. They grow as a result of their journey. This book punches aboveits weight.

If you are curious, read it for yourself!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Shelfie! Placement at Beach Books in Seaside, Oregon

My Bayou Boys Adventure book PLAYHOUSE PHANTOM, concerning a haunted theater on Halloween, was just stocked at Beach Books in Seaside, Oregon. It's on the shelf and in the window with the Halloween boo-ks.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Written in the Sand: Seaside Oregon Authors Event

Head on out to Beach Books on the corner of Broadway and Holladay Drive in Seaside, Oregon this Saturday, October 18, from 1 to 4 p.m. and meet nearly twenty regional authors at the third Annual Seaside Authors event at Beach Books in Seaside. 

Wine, cheese and sarsaparilla will be served and local authors will be reading from their books and signing copies. Come meet writers of fiction, history, health and cooking.

Here are some of authors who will appear:

Nancy Berry  A Gift of Poems for Christmas
Maryka Biaggio Parlour Games
G.S Coltman Max's Great Sea Adventure
Lisamarie Costanzo 420 Diner: What's on the Menu
Dan Johnson The Air in Me
John Johnson Seaside, The '60's and the Johnsons
Paula Judith Johnson Sweetbriar
Gloria Linkey Native American Women
Holly Lorincz Smart Mouth
Matt Love Walking in the Rain
Tim Murphy Flannel John Cookbooks
Honey Perkel Faithful Daughter
Karli Pierce Fragile but Unbreakable
Kristi Pierce Back on Track: A Survival Guide for People with Back Pain
Brian Ratty Destination: Astoria
Nancy Slavin Moorings
Susan Stoner Sage Adair Historical Mysteries
Maggie Stuckey Soup Night

616 Broadway
Seaside, OR 97138
(503) 738-3500

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Portland Area Writer's Connection Author Speaker

FREE Writers Connection for this month is THIS Thursday Oct. 16, 7 p.m. at Rolling Hills Community Church.

Josh Kelley, the author of the recently-published Harvest House book Radically Normal, is the guest speaker the upcoming Writers Connection, Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014, starting at 7 p.m.

All are welcome to this FREE event for creatives, writers, story-tellers, movie-goers, lovers of literature, bloggers, authors, wanna-be-writers, you name it! 

The Writer's Connection meet ats Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Road, Tualatin, Ore.

Josh Kelly, author

Friday, October 10, 2014

Attention Authors and Writers in the Vancouver Area

Oct. 18 “Story Con” at Vancouver Library Brings Together Readers and Authors

More than 30 authors lined up for discussions, readings and book signings

VANCOUVER, Wash. – More than 30 authors will be on hand to showcase their works and connect with readers at the first-ever Story Con 2014 to be held Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (programs run 10:30 am to 4:30 pm) at Vancouver Community Library, 901 C St . The free event will be held on the first and fourth levels of the library. The event promises to be “laser-focused on helping book lovers find their next great book.”

The website for the event is

The day’s line-up is composed of author readings, interactive discussion panels and book signings. Session topics include: “The Wicked West” (what makes the Pacific Northwest a prime location for crime writing), “Hell on Heels” (female heroes and villains), and “Where to Find Great Flash Fiction Online” (finding very short stories – under 1,000 words). Featured authors include regional mystery writer Kate Dyer-Seeley, New York Times best-selling author Daniel Wilson, 2014 breakout novelist Jason Gurley, and Hugo Award winner David D. Levine. A complete schedule of events is available at

Story Con is the brainchild of Erik Wecks, the Vancouver science-fiction author of “Aetna Adrift.” Wecks brought his idea for a readers’ convention to Vancouver Community Library programming staff, who had already been looking to launch a distinctive annual author event. Wecks has been assisted by staff from both the downtown library and district headquarters in organizing and promoting the event.

Books will be available for purchase and signing during Story Con 2014. Sales tables will be staffed by Friends of Vancouver Community Library, a non-profit group that will earn 40 percent of sales revenue as a fundraiser for their ongoing support of library programs. Refreshments will be available for purchase from the Thatcher’s Coffee cart in the first level atrium.

For more information, visit the Story Con website or call the library at 360-906-5000.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Photos by Andy R. Bunch

My book The Amish vs. The Zombies makes its appearance at the Portland Home & Garden Show. 

These are the last ones of AVZ that I have on hand. I sent six to the show and took four with me on my trip to Fresno (which my son sold to his co-workers). I'll be reordering in time for Christmas though. (Recommended for 13 and up.)

Also the last of Playhouse Phantom books are at the show, too. The story takes place on Halloween and so it would make a great book to purchase now. (I'll have some more of those by Thanksgiving as well.)

And don't forget: I have a new book for children coming out on November 22. "I'm Samson," said Sydney was written by me and illustrated by April Bullard.

BTW: You still have tomorrow to visit the show on Sunday.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Don't Miss Out on This Weekend's H&G Show Discount

Come on out to the Portland Home & Garden Show this weekend at the Portland Expo for some great reads. 

At this point the are more than 25 authors represented at the show, with more than 20 making appearance to sign their books, and there are more than 60 titles in a wide array of genres to choose from.

The booth (#253) also features many other books (centered on gardening, cooking, homemaker and building topics) from a wonderful Local Independent Bookstore: Jacobsen's Books.

I've also attached a coupon for the show you can use for discount admission. It's good for Thursday and Friday only, and I parking is free after 4 p.m. (and the show is open until 8 p.m.).

Though I won't be there (my books will be), tell everyone you know to come say "hi" to my fellow local indie authors!