
Thursday, October 23, 2014

BOOK LAUNCH: New Children’s Picture Book Relates Bible Hero Story about Samson

Cannon Beach, Ore. author Gregory Zschomler (formerly of Ridgefield, Wash.) and Vancouver, Wash. illustrator April Bullard are excited to debut their new children’s picture book “I’m Samson,” said Sydney.

The book, for children six and under, is the telling of a young boy who imagines, by role playing, that he’s the Bible hero Samson. It is the creators’ hope that the volume will be the first in a series about Sydney’s playful imaginations of Bible characters.

The official launch will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., November 15 at the Early Bird Holiday Bazaar in the Astoria Armory, on 17th St. in Astoria, Ore. Both the author and illustrator will be on hand to do personalized signings.

In addition authors G.S. Coltman and Andy R. Bunch will be on hand with their new books. Coltman, from Seaside, will be selling/signing Max's Great Sea Adventure and Bunch, from Vancouver, his newest book Diner Tales.

Samson will also be available in independent bookstores in the Vancouver/Portland metro area and north Oregon coast communities the following week.

Their book is designed to introduce children to the Bible story in a way they can relate to, through whimsical verse and bright, clever pictures. The edition will make a lasting and loving Christmas gift.

Bullard is the author and illustrator of the book The Sock Thief and Zschomler is the author of the Bayou Boys Adventure series for middle readers. All their books will be available at the event.

Here's what folks are saying:

"My kids delighted in this retelling of Samson's story. The simple retelling was creative and easy to understand. A fun modern parable for kids." ~ Brock D. Eastman, author of The Quest for Truth series; he works with the Adventures in Odyssey brand at Focus on the Family and is the father of three.

“This book will be a favorite book for early readers. The illustrations are detailed and it’s fun to point out the tiny details of everyone's childhood memories. The biblical message is simply put as seen through the eyes of the mighty Sydney. The follow-up for the Biblical verses gives an opportunity to follow up alone or with your child to learn more.” ~ Suzi (a grandmother of three)

“A good way to get kids interested in Bible stories…and get them asking questions... I think the premise of the book is a realistic scenario. Kids often make believe stories they've heard and sometimes blur the lines between their present reality and past reality/biblical stories.” ~ Bethany (mother of two boys)

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