
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Early Bird Bazaar a Bit of a Bust, but Books Bought

Gregory E. Zschomler, April M. Bullard and G.S. Coltman at the Astoria Armory for the Early Bird Holiday Bazaar.

Today's bazaar was not one of the better ones for me. Surprisingly we sold zero copies of the new book, "'I'm Samson,' said Sydney." April Bullard sold quite a few copies of "The Sock Thief."

I did sell a few copies of "The Amish vs. The Zombies" and a cookbook. Andy R. Bunch wasn't there, due to illness and G.S. Coltman sold no books at all. I felt bad for him. He knocked off early to go crabbing.

The turnout was low and there was no heat in the building. Advertising was good and I got three great write-ups (Coast Weekend, HipFish and CNNW) which people told us they saw. The new book, along with the older ones, will be in stores next week and is available on Amazon.

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