
Thursday, November 5, 2015

NaNoWriMo and Mo' Bits and Pieces (an aggregation)

I've been trying to blog once a week, but I think that might fall by the wayside for much of this month. There's just not much on the docket for the rest of the month except NaNoWriMo writing. And that's taking up much of my time.

I'm working on my first full-length adult novel (most of my fiction works have been novellas for youth and young adults). It's an exciting sci-fi tale based on a true story encased in speculative science and spiritual quandaries. It should be out by next spring (2016).

For those joining me in the NaNoWriMo challenge, I wish you well.

As for other news:

  • This weekend is Wordstock in Portland, but I'll not be going. If you go please buy an indie book and fill out a survey asking for more representation by indie authors at the event. Wordstock has typically sided with the publishing industry and panned indies.
  • Speaking of indies, many authors I know (especially through NIWA) have new books out and they would love your support. These are good authors with some very intriguing new titles. You can look at the NIWA titles here.
  • And, of course, there's my new book, Plays and Sketches for Schools & Churches, for those into theater. I'd appreciate you sharing with school and church theater people you might know.
  • I had planned to have a new cookbook (Tex-Mex and Southwest BBQ) in time for Christmas, but I'm behind on the project. Hopefully we'll see that in time for the summer grilling season.
  • Finally, my wife and I are still collecting humorous (yet poignant) short stories for an anthology we're editing called Chicken Poop on My Sole (Funny Fodder from the Farm). So if you got 'em, write 'em and send them in.

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