
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March Madness Means Manuscript Munching Mode

Munch, munch, munch. I guess I'm in the editing and design modes for the month of March. I have two editing and three design projects I'm working on for a total of three projects (that's right one of the projects requires no editing).

Project One is simply the redesign of the cover for my book Rocketman: From the Trailer Park to Insomnia and Beyond.

Here, at the left, is a rough of the new design without some of the detail (like an old fashioned photo border, a drop shadow for the rocket, a better space background and possibly a 3D-like text for the top title word).

Project Two is the design and layout (with some line editing) of a new children's book, Silly Billy and the Duck for new author Joe Benjamin (the pen name for my son Josiah).

Basically, I just have to check the spelling and punctuation, put the pages together and convert the files. See the unfinished, uncolored, proposed working panel on the right.

Project Three, the final project (which I don't expect to be done this month), Chicken Poop on My Sole, which I am editing with my wife, is mostly editing for now, but I may get to finalizing the cover soon. The proposed cover mock-up is at the left. This could be on ongoing project through the summer depending on one major factor:

We need stories! That's right this book is meant to be a multi-author anthology. the slower they trickle in the longer the project will take. I'd like to have the book out no later than the first of September.

Do you have a story to contribute?

I'm looking for first person, original pieces 300 to 3,000 words in length (750-1,200 is ideal) that are true (or based on a true event) that are comedic and/or inspirational in nature.

If you have a story you can share email me for details. I may publish up to three stories from any given writer.

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