
Thursday, April 7, 2016

An Interview with Joe Benjamin, Author of the Book "Silly Billy & Ducky Dee"

Author Joe Benjamin
You have a new book (your first) out; whats it about? 

It's Silly Billy & Ducky Dee, a book about friendship...with a twist. It's 2016 and it's about time someone came up with a children's book that had a rapping duck in it, and since no one else had thought about it I decided to write it myself!

Why write about that? 

It's something new and hip. Hip Hop is everywhere from radio, newspapers, tabloids, word of mouth and TV. Might as well put a friendly spin on it!

Why did you chose a rap format?

To be different. I don't want to be the average Joe [lol]. I want to be Joe Benjamin, the author who revolutionized children's books!

What inspired you to write a book?

My dad [that would be this blog's author] always told me do what you love to do. I never really thought about it until last year. I like to write raps/poems and I never did anything with my talents. 

My mom and dad both have degrees in writing and they both do it for a living, I figured it must be in my blood, so I just let fate take over and determine whether or not I'm going to be a success. We shall see.

How did you find the process? Was it more or less than what you expected?

I tend to think things over. So, I thought it would be way harder than it was. But my dad "held my hand" the whole way and made it simple.

Do you think you might write another? Any ideas floating around in your head? If so, what are they? 

Yes, I plan to at least write two more. The next one may be titled Silly Billy and Ducky Dee Visit the Big City. Keep your eyes peeled and your wallets open!

What are some of your favorite books?

My favorite types of books are adventure stores (but non fiction, too). I like to feel as though this could happen to me. As far as children's books Dr. Seuss, Berenstain Bears, and joke books were my favorite growing up!

Tell us about yourself. 

I come from a family of ten; two sisters, five brothers, my mom and dad. I was raised on a twenty acre farm in Clark County, Washington with just about every farm animal you can think of, for most of my life. I was home-schooled and learned how to farm, garden and work hard.

I also lived in Florida and Colorado and now reside in central California. I like camping, mud races, flipping houses and not having to do farm chores. 

What advice would you give to other would-be authors? 

Don't second-guess yourself.. Like Nike said, "Just do it!"

Silly Billy & Ducky Dee has numerous five star reviews on Amazon. You can buy it there or ask for it wherever books are sold. You can find and follow Joe Benjamin on Facebook.

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