
Friday, August 5, 2016

PUMPED: The Newest Harbor House Writing Center News and More!

Hello Friends. Thanks for joining me again. I'm pretty pumped today!

I got a new book in the mail that I've wanted for a long time. Well, I wanted it before it was available. It's newly published and we don't have a bookstore where I live, so I had to order it online. I've read excerpts and just had to have it. It's Hearing God in Conversation by Samuel C. Williamson.

Plus another book just came out I hafta get, it's The Long Journey to Jake Palmer by Christy Award winner James L. Rubart--my favorite author. So, I'm pumped about getting that soon.

Plus, last night my wife and I got the Harbor House website online and it is lookin' gooood. Be sure and check that out. We've been working on that, but we're also working on the physical building. My son and I just finished building a window seat into the bay window and the next step is covering it. Anyway, I am transferring most of the news about that to that blog,

And then there's the fact that...

I got the IndieGoGo campaign for the Harbor House up and running this morning AND we got our first backer contribution! Which means you can go-go there right now and get all the news about this exciting project.

Here's the video (but please, do go to the site and make a pledge--there's lots of cool swag):

Okay, nuff said. Now I'm going to go work on another refinishing project. Sigh. LOL

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